Tina Jasion
Executive Coach, Strategic Visioning Facilitator, TrainerBiographical Info
Tina brings an entrepreneurial mindset to ministry development, encouraging the fulfillment of God’s unique purpose in individuals, congregations, and faith-based nonprofits. Her passion is helping churches uncover their unique sweet spot for ministry and learning to thrive in it. She is a Director of Christian Outreach, ICF ACCCertified Coach, and entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience of helping congregations maximize their collective potential to meet the needs and opportunities in their community.
Tina founded the Faithful Innovation coaching practice in 2014 and podcast in 2018. Clients include pastors, other ministry professionals, lay leaders, congregational teams, nonprofit leaders, and grantwriters.
Combining entrepreneurial experience with the ministry, Tina works with congregational leaders in clarifying their vision, developing a plan, and coaching through the opportunities and challenges. Tina has helped several congregations maximize their resources and develop outreach initiatives.
Tina also coaches ministry-minded nonprofit leaders through the founding and startup phases into sustainability. Locally, she is active in developing new ministries in Baltimore, including ushering a legacy congregation into a rebirth as NewThing Lutheran Church, revisioning resources to develop Grace Place Community Ministries, and developing the faith-based nonprofit, Faith and Work Enterprises.
Tina came to the Christian faith in her mid-20’s. While raising a family, she started and ran two small businesses, then God called. In 2006 she earned an M.A. in Christian Outreach from Concordia University in St. Paul MN and transitioned into full-time ministry.
- ACC - Associate Certified Coach (International Coaching Federation)
- Other - specified in bio